Breweries We're Thankful For

Since 2010 we’ve tapped (and enjoyed) more breweries than we can count. With Thanksgiving just a few days away, we asked some of our most expert craft beer gurus which breweries they’re thankful for. In other words, who's doing amazing work in the craft beer community? These breweries exemplify not only a dedication to superb beverage craftsmanship, but inspire and support their local community. Thank you to these amazing breweries for consistently surprising and delighting us year after year. You give us reasons to say, “Cheers!” and be thankful.
Curtis Gray at City Tap Penn Quarter: 3 Stars Brewing Company
“I am most thankful for 3 Stars Brewing Company, and not just because they employed me for 3 years! I love the fact that I can get a constant supply of unique and interesting beers made just a few miles away. I appreciate that they are pushing the envelope with their sour program, collaborating with some of the best brewers around the country, and constantly putting out some of the best beers in the region.”
Dave DePasquale at City Tap Logan: Dogfish Head Brewery
“As someone who loves beer, I enjoy the fact that Dogfish Head takes pride in being innovative, but can also execute top notch classic styles. A perfect example is their 90 Minute IPA, one of my all time favorites. Dogfish Head is also transparent about beer releases and seems to appreciate customer feedback. The fact that they take pride in their product and their followers makes me thankful for them.”
Jason Sinclair at City Tap University City: 2SP Brewing Company
“The brewery I am most thankful for would have to be 2SP Brewing Company. They consistently show us great hospitality with educating our staff with brewery tours and staff chats at our pre-shift meetings. The beers are diverse and approachable. They are local and true to their brewing identity. I first visited their brewery location with my father. This visit was very comfortable for both the young craft beer head I am, and my father the blue-collared “Bass Ale” kind of drinker.”
Greg Coote at City Tap Boston: Jacks Abby
“I have had the pleasure of working with Jacks Abby over the past few years - since their beginning. Jacks Abby has continually shown support to many local businesses and is always willing to support the local community. From the owners, brewers, and to every staff member the positivity that they spread exemplifies how solid of a company Jacks Abby is. Whenever I reach out Jacks Abby goes above and beyond to make the experience as great as anyone could. The beers that they make are a renaissance of the lager. A shunned style has been made into modern example of how flavorful and tasty a beer can be. The variety of lagers that they are producing is unrivaled, and I could see other breweries becoming inspired by them.”
Jesse Gallo at City Tap Nashville: D.G. Yuengling & Son
“I would have to say the brewery I am most thankful for is the original D.G. Yuengling & Son brewery in Pottsville, PA. It's my father’s favorite beer, and as I kid we toured the brewery multiple times. Seeing the magnitude and precision of their operation piqued my interest in beer years and years before I was (legally) allowed to enjoy it!”
Andy Farrell City Tap Brand Director: Sierra Nevada
“Without hesitation, I'm most thankful for Sierra Nevada. Pale Ale turned me on to craft beer; their commitment to consistency and better ingredients is key for sure, but really [it’s about] the culture and the people. That culture has become a big part of my life and given me the opportunity to run a dynamic and fun business, with passionate partners and an ever growing population of guests that love to celebrate the good things in life. Craft beer forces people to be vulnerable. And that's when community happens. Without Sierra Nevada, the ball would never have gotten rolling. Also, Kellerweis might be the perfect beer.”